Spanish Gourmet Jewelry - Sea Gifts

03. Dubna 2018 Spanish Gourmet Jewelry - Sea Gifts
Seafood from the north of Spain? The best you get. Spain is lavished by its gastronomy and, above all, by a paella that only a few Spanish delicacies can imagine. We have selected the best of them for you and will be happy to introduce them to you.


Isla del Carmen is a traditional Spanish company with a long tradition of seafood processing. They put everything into their products and believe you will feel it. Bonito del Norte tuna filets will appeal to you with their softness and fragility. We have enjoyed them in combination with fresh vegetables, homemade strawberries or tapas.
La Brújula is one of the most prestigious Spanish seafood processing companies, mainly thanks to the latest technology, quality raw materials and traditional recipes. They were braving to preserve everything. The whole process is accompanied by manual production and strict food quality monitoring.
Sardines caught during the months of July , August and September , when the optimum processing period is appropriate . During these months, the sardine fat accumulates to ensure the taste and quality of the cans. Sardines goes under the hands of experienced workers who ensure that only the best is on your table. Sardines are a great helper at high pressure, reducing the risk of thrombosis and triglyceride levels in the blood, protecting the body from infections and helping to absorb calcium into the bone.
The typical Christmas Eve of the Spaniards - "Young Eels" marinated in olive oil with red pepper and garlic, even if it is still for some time since Christmas Eve, does not change the fact that the Eagles are so great that you must have it all year round . We recommend to salads, such as tapas or homemade pasta, served with matured sheep cheese.
Chipirones are small delicious calamari from the purest waters. These calamari are stuffed (calamari meat) and loaded in their own juice. Their tasty meat is characterized by a very fine texture, melting on the tongue. They come from the Isla del Carmen company, which has been pleased to bring to life its long and extensive history with modern technologies that have even enhanced the unique taste.
The Spaniards love the calamari, and few can imagine their tapas without them.
Mořský plankton je inovativní prvek v gastronomii. Z moře na stůl? Ne tak rychle! Firma Veta La Palma si drží jedinečnost v produkci kultivovaného planktonu, který je bez alergenů a se skvělou chutí.   Dovoluje nám inovovat a posunovat hranice kulinářského umění, které se zdají být už nepřekonatelné, ale jak vidíme, stále to jde!   Je to látka, která nám umožňuje jít ještě o krok dále s dary přírody, využít jejich zdrojů a užít si ji.
Když se spojí věda a vaření, vznikne něco úžasného. Plankton is also deální pro rýžové pokrmy, těstoviny, ryby i korýše, omáčky a všechno objevené i neobjevené.

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